Showing posts with label About Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Me. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Welcome to the Junior Ranger+ Project

Hello in Blogosphere. . . :)

Welcome fellow Junior Rangers! This blog is dedicated to sharing information about the Junior Ranger program offered by the National Park Service (NPS): a program designed to explore and learn about America’s national parks. It will also be the home to my ramblings about the NPS and my adventures therein as I try to collect all of the Junior Ranger badges and Passport Cancellation Stamps.

I first discovered the Junior Ranger program during a cross-country road trip to California. I was in my early twenties when I got my first badge (from Petrified Forest NP, by the way) and from then on I was hooked! What I love about the Junior Ranger program is not just the fact that you get a badge or a patch (though that is pretty cool ;)), but that as you complete the activities you actually really learn about the site and explore it in a way that you never otherwise would have. It brings your attention to the off-the-beaten-path type of stuff you may miss by just “passing through.” That’s what makes this program so special and why I really love participating at each NPS site I visit. As a ranger in DC put it: I am a “Senior” Junior Ranger. ;)

I know that it will take a long, long time to collect all the badges, patches, certificates and pins from all the NPS sites that offer them, and perhaps I will never make it to all of them in my lifetime. Visiting 400+ sites is truly a great accomplishment, and kind of a daunting one. But I won’t let that discourage me from trying—and neither should you. Just take it one site at a time.

I hope you will come back to read more as we adventure together to discover Our National Parks—America’s Best Idea.

Explore on, Junior Ranger! :)